How To Install Custom Zombie Maps Waw Pc
I have purchased cod waw for pc yesterday. The reason for this is the custem zombies and have some fun wirh new maps. How can i load up this maps?
On a server i play on frequently, one of the custom maps wasn't downloaded. World at war custom zombies, PC Games, Feb 29, 2016.
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(mods?) (purchase from steam). After trying some of the include description text that where given with the downloaded map, without succes. For exp; that xmas map show up when is select mods, but im unable to play it. If there are people who want to play, my steam acc is: c9h13n_speed. For those who play only on ps3, my PSN is: C9H13N-SPEED. (All maps waw+bo1+bo2). The mod folder is normally located at this address.
C: Users YOU AppData Local Activision CoDWaW mods *YOU = Your username If you install the UGX Map Manager from here: Once you have it installed, any map you download and install will be accessible from the map manager under the 'Tools' tab, then launch map. All maps whether they are UGX or not will show in here and you can use the map manager to launch your maps from then on in.
What version of WaW do you have? The standalone or the Steam version?